
Thursday, February 23, 2017

remix chapter 8

In chapter 8 everyone that you didn't expect to die, died. Gasby, the one who just wanted to get his lover back died. Wilson started to investigate who had the yellow car & went to gasby house & saw the car. So when gasby was chillinh in the pool BOOM, wilson gun shot & killed gasby. After he killed himself. This is Abraham Lincoln all over again when he got shot in st the theater. This is the Climax of the story !

notes cht 8

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chapter 7 remix

Chapter 7 has to be one of the most interesting thing that has happen in the book. So many things happen that if you slept 2 minutes you're going to miss something. Gasby finally tells tom that daisy never loved him & toms mistress was leaving to live somewhere else. everything that can go bad for tom...happened. Everything got F*ck for him & he can't handle it. Also Daisy runs over Mrytle. Boom. Now that book has more conflict. The two worlds tom had, has calapse.

chapter 7 notes

Friday, February 17, 2017

A day without 'immagrints'

what i contribute yesterday was that we are more connected with a small group then usual. Maybe cuz we felt more open with a small group of people but idk...just felt weird